Our team of experienced educators are here to support your school

Data Services
We believe that getting the most out of a school’s Management Information System (MIS) and providing teachers with accurate, up to date information at their fingertips is key to doing this.
Our Data Manager Service Level Agreements fully manage your school’s performance data and our tools will engage all stakeholders to ensure your students make progress.
Our schools originally had onsite data managers but made the decision to move to a Data Service because our Data Team provide resilience, expertise and value for money.
Tailor the service to meet your needs. Download Flyer

SEND Services
With the alarming statistics suggesting that we are in a mental health crisis and the massive increase in SEND referrals schools are at the forefront of managing this.
SchoolVue have proudly partnered with the experienced experts from Climbing Fish to offer much needed support to our network of schools.
The team bring over 24 years of experience covering roles in senior leadership, SENCOs at school and local authority level.
SEND, Pastoral, Wellbeing, Mental Health Support Download Flyer

Power BI Services
Being able to make full use of your Microsoft licence is crucial to allow schools to realise true value for money. Power BI, as part of the Microsoft suite of products, allows schools to visualise their data from a range of sources.
Visualisation creation - We would work with the school to understand their requirements and then develop dashboards to meet them.
Maintenance - Once developed, SchoolVue can provide ongoing support to ensure that the dashboards continue to offer value to the school or further develop new ones.

School Timetabling Support
​A skilled timetabler can have significant impact on the day to day running of your school and the experience of the students. A blend of creativity and competence is required but often found lacking in schools when it comes to timetabling.
Why not let our experts help you to:
Construct your timetable from start to finish. Save hours of admin support and senior leader time.
Train a member of your staff how to timetable effectively.

Curriculum and Timetable Review
How is your timetable currently constructed against what your aims and desires are for your school? Is there a better way? There may be changes on the horizon like expansion or financial constraints. Our experts can run scenarios and give you the options you need.
Current Curriculum Model Evaluation
Efficiencies and plans for the future.
Feasibility studies for school expansion project.

School Data Review - Rich and Wise?
Schools have become data rich in recent years in terms of collecting student information. However, is the data leading to knowledge through effective analytics and more importantly is this leading to wisdom through meaningful strategic actions across the school? Our support is designed to help you answer these questions and review the following:
Current data collection

Assessment Support
Once you are confident in your curriculum it's time to make sure your assessment model, across phases, is fit for purpose and leads to accurate tracking and monitoring. Assessment grades should be meaningful and facilitate conversations with students. We support schools in:
Developing an effective assessment model across all phases.
Ensure consistency in quality of assessments across all subjects.
Agreeing a progress rationale to accompany the assessment model that will lead to meaningful analytics.